Partner with The Money Cloud

We’d love to discuss partnership opportunities with you.

All your international transactions in one place

The Money Cloud seeks to revolutionise the way people view and utilize financial services. Through our collaborative partnerships with a variety of industry players - from brokers, money transfer companies, digital media firms to even non-profits - we aim for more accessible information on finance related products and greater transparency across sectors. Ultimately, by reducing any sort of informational gap between end users and professionals in this arena, The Money Cloud is striving towards making better use out of financial resources.

White label integration

Whether you're a website looking to increase profit through commission-based white-labelling, or an online information provider wanting to offer better services for your visitors - we've got the perfect tool. Our free API can easily be added onto any existing site or app.

Get started
Get in touch with us today

At The Money Cloud Ltd, we’re always looking for new ideas and opportunities to collaborate. If you have an innovative suggestion or commercial partnership in mind — let's chat. Contact us using the form below – we look forward to hearing from you.

Have any questions?
Want to know more about international money transfers and the service we offer? Feel free to drop us a line, tweet us your thoughts or come and visit anytime; we’d be happy to help.


X: @themoneycloud

VAT Number: 197 0439 80

© The Money Cloud Ltd (2024) Registered inEngland and Wales – Company Number 07290173 | Data Protection Registered:ZA056825
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